
According to the OMV Group Environmental Management Standard and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Procedure, all OMV activities must be conducted in such a way as to cause minimal disturbance to protected areas and local flora and fauna. Observed or predicted direct and indirect impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services () are described and analyzed in the environmental impact assessment. BES screenings are carried out at all relevant sites to identify as far as reasonably possible the potential for the presence of nationally or globally threatened species, legally protected threatened or fragile ecosystems, and internationally recognized areas with sensitive biodiversity. In 2020, OMV Petrom finalized the development of a mobile application to enable employees to easily identify protected species observed within their operational boundaries. This project contributes to improving biodiversity conservation monitoring and increasing awareness on this topic.

In the event of significant observed or predicted impacts, we apply the mitigation hierarchy, and action planning gives priority to avoidance and minimization over restoration and offsetting of the impact.

Preventing Risks of Accidental Pollution in Protected Areas

In order to mitigate the potential operational risks to an environmentally sensitive area, OMV Petrom Upstream implemented a project for rerouting 2.5 km of the main oil pipeline from the Central Offshore Platform to the Midia Terminal in the Petromar asset. This segment of pipeline is located in a sandy, swampy area with a high water table where an effective response to a potential spill would have been difficult.

The environmentally sensitive area – RO SCI 0065 Danube Delta, which is a Site of Community Importance and part of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and Danube Delta Razim-Sinoe Complex (Special Protection Area) – is home to the Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoise and the Mediterranean salt meadows protected habitat. It is around 1 km away from RO SPA 0076 Black Sea and the RO SCI 006 Maritime Zone of the Danube Delta.

The main scope of the project was installing a new pipeline segment (with a cathodic protection system to ensure long-term pipeline integrity) on a deviated route as well as decommissioning an old pipeline segment (by cleaning and sealing). The land was returned to its original status after the construction work, and the protected habitat was not affected.

SDG targets: 15.1 By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements; 15.5 Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species

In 2020, we supported the following biodiversity-related projects in New Zealand:

  • A partnership with Ngāti Koata and the Department of Conservation for the Moawhitu lake and wetland regeneration project: OMV New Zealand’s funding helped plant over 12,000 trees in 2020.
  • A partnership with the Rotokare Scenic Reserve Trust protecting the endemic hihi bird (stitchbird) in this reserve located just outside of New Plymouth: Funds also support ongoing biosecurity work within and around the halo of the reserve.
  • A partnership with Tiaki Te Mauri o Parininihi Trust in North Taranaki for monitoring the endangered kōkako bird
  • A partnership with the Friends of Mana Island to assist with the regeneration of Mana Island to provide a secure ecosystem for endangered species: In 2020, OMV’s funding helped translocate 150 white-faced storm petrels from the Chatham Islands to Wellington, with the aim of establishing a new colony on Mana Island.
  • A partnership with the Environmental Education for Resource Sustainability Trust to fund the Paper4Trees project in Taranaki, a project where local schools and kindergartens are rewarded with native trees for their recycling efforts
  • In 2020, OMV New Zealand invested in a new partnership with Project Crimson, supporting two large-scale tree planting projects in Taranaki and Wairarapa over the next four years.
biodiversity and ecosystem services