Security initiatives
Throughout 2019, the OMV Security function continued to actively enable numerous business initiatives in high-risk or semi-permissible environments.
In the third quarter 2019, OMV Security redeployed into Yemen as the first “expat” rotational field workers into Block S2 since its evacuation in 2015. In the fourth quarter, the Security team was joined by rotational OMV colleagues engaged in technical operations along with third-party service companies to successfully deliver the venture’s resumption strategy.

OMV Security teams in Yemen initiated the installation of solar power at the permanent checkpoints and guard positions around its concession in Shabwa, Yemen. Solar power will be used to power the facilities and provide lighting, electricity, and heating while reducing carbon emissions, maintenance, and fuel costs incurred in running fossil-fuel generators.

We also try to improve working conditions for our local guards in remote locations, where local infrastructure is not sufficiently developed. Thus, we are extending the water pipeline to the remote checkpoints in Yemen to eliminate the need for time-consuming and expensive daily replenishment via water trucks. Such remote infrastructure initiatives can also be utilized by and benefit the local population, especially nomadic people in tribal communities. For example, OMV Tunisia’s Security team at Nawara took the initiative to construct fixed watering points to help the local nomadic camel herdsmen and their herds in an attempt to support the local community and reduce any potential social grievances regarding access to water.