Reporting on materiality

OMV identifies material content for the Sustainability Report in an extensive and structured process of consultation with the Company’s external and internal stakeholders.

The full-scale process of consultation and analysis is repeated every three years, with the most recent one taking place in 2017. A detailed description of the materiality identification process is published separately on OMV’s website. In 2019, we reviewed highly material topics identified previously against best industry practices, and also in light of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance issues of interest to ESG rating agencies and socially responsible investors. In light of the reporting requirements of the Austrian Nachhaltigkeits- und Diversitätsverbesserungsgesetz (Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act; NaDiVeG) and given the diversity-related targets of the OMV Sustainability Strategy 2025, the topic of diversity was defined as material. Full disclosure is provided as required by the GRI.

Material topics and other topics additionally reported (graphic)