Focus on product responsibility
OMV assumes responsibility for delivering safe high-quality products. At the same time, we continuously work on exploring ways to reduce our environmental impact during our product life cycle. We take a comprehensive approach to product stewardship, with technologically advanced solutions used to deliver safe top-quality products, while taking action to ensure responsible use of our products.
We have established adequate processes and workflows to secure our compliance with the EU regulations on Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) and on Classification, Labeling, and Packaging (CLP) of substances and mixtures. Within this continuously evolving regulatory environment, we are committed to maintaining and updating our mandatory registrations so as to keep up with relevant regulatory developments. To this end, we closely follow the guidance published by the European Chemicals Agency and participate in the REACH consortia (Concawe, Lower Olefins and Aromatics, Fuel Ethers, Renewable Fuels, etc.) as well as in working groups through oil and chemical industry trade associations. Safety data sheets are available on These documents are regulated under REACH and include comprehensive information on potential health, safety, and environmental issues. In addition, they inform customers and employees about how to handle and use our products safely.
OMV works in close collaboration with leading automobile manufacturers, research institutes, and universities to stay at the forefront of fuel technology. Our MaxxMotion premium fuels provide maximum power to vehicles, prolong engine life, and contribute to lowering emissions. Our MaxxMotion100-octane gasoline fulfills the highest fuel quality requirements in accordance with the Worldwide Fuel Charter, the guideline issued by major automobile and engine manufacturers’ associations. MaxxMotion diesel ensures reliable engine operation even at extremely cold temperatures down to –40°C.1CFPP value according to EN 590
Biofuel volumes22018 figure restated and 2019 figure estimated as both Austria and Germany data are based on year-to-date actuals plus a forecast for the remaining months each year, given that the final biofuel volume confirmation from authorities of a given year is not before the publication of the Sustainability Report.
In kt
All biofuel volumes purchased by OMV in 2019 and used for blending meet the requirements of the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC). Since 2013, the ISCC-EU certificate issued for OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH has been renewed on an annual basis. OMV Petrom, OMV Hungary, OMV Czech Republic, and OMV Slovenia are also certified according to the ISCC-EU standard. OMV purchases biodiesel (FAME) mainly to add to fuels from European producers that use very little palm oil. In 2019, biofuels contained only around 4.22% palm oil. Certain biofuels are almost exclusively available with palm oil as feedstock. However, ISCC standards enforce that no deforestation on certified areas has taken place since January 2008 for biodiesel generation. Even so, we plan to increase the use of regional rapeseed oil and used cooking oil as well as other potential waste and advanced feedstock, which is made possible by the use of our Co-Processing technology. (For more details, see Biogenic Oil Co-Processing.)
In 2019, OMV and AustroCel Hallein GmbH signed a multi-year agreement to supply advanced bioethanol. The fuel components will be derived exclusively from spruce-based cellulose, which is a scrap material from the sawmill industry. The sustainable base of these fuel components leads them to be classified as “advanced biofuels.” In future, they will be added to OMV gasoline. This product will contribute to reducing the carbon intensity of the OMV product portfolio and thereby help us meet the OMV 2025 Sustainability Goals.
OMV aims to market its products in a responsible manner by engaging consumers in lowering greenhouse gas emissions. We therefore partnered with a large transportation company, Scania Romania, with the goal of raising awareness about the most efficient methods for reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.
Climate-neutral products
In 2019, we began offering our customers the option of procuring climate-neutral gas. Through our cooperation with Climate Partner, we are able to offer our customers a carbon offsetting service for emissions generated during the consumption of gas. In 2019, we were able to offset approximately 30,000 t of CO2 thanks to climate-neutral gas contracts for upcoming delivery years. We have defined a rigorous set of criteria and standards for the selection of climate protection projects to ensure optimal emissions offsetting verification. For instance, the technologies we selected for climate protection in our projects are wind power and forest protection. Climate protection projects are verified according to the internationally recognized standards for voluntary emissions reduction, the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Gold Standard (GS). We plan to gradually expand the offsetting option to further OMV products.