Management of environmental compliance

OMV is liable for the impact that our activities have on the environment. Breaching environmental regulations on a national and international level results in both monetary losses and harm to our reputation. Our license to operate depends on compliance with regulations relating to environmental protection, which is also of particular importance to governmental authorities, shareholders, and stakeholders, such as the public and environmental NGOs and NPOs.

In 2019, we recorded only minor fines for environmental breaches, paying no fines above EUR 10,000 in any of our operations.

The OMV Group Environmental Management Standard requires compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, identification of legal and other requirements, development and maintenance of appropriate legal compliance databases, and alignment with internationally accepted best practices as part of our EMS. According to the standard, we must also establish programs to prevent non-compliance to avoid monetary losses. The OMV Group Environmental Management Standard stipulates an assessment of environmental impacts and risks, and adherence to environmental performance requirements in terms of energy use, emissions into the atmosphere, water use and discharge, the use of raw materials, waste management, hazardous substance handling, and biodiversity and ecosystem protection. The OMV Group Environmental Management Standard furthermore defines the process of carrying out Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs). Preventive and mitigation measures and the monitoring program to ensure implementation of the proposed measures are documented in an Environmental and Social Management Plan. The final ESIA report is submitted to the local regulator or lender (whichever is applicable) for review, public disclosure, and approval.

Environmental risks and opportunities include regulatory, operational, reputational, and financial drivers and specifically relate to issues such as climate change, availability and quality of water used for operations, and the impact of energy, climate, and water policies. The management of environment-related risks is part of OMV’s Enterprise-Wide Risk Management (EWRM) activities as described in the Risk and Opportunities Management section.

Digital technologies are used in monitoring and managing environmental risks through a special risk management IT tool – the Active Risk Management System (ARMS). This tool allows us to better integrate environmental risk scenarios with other HSSE and business risks. Identified and assessed risks are controlled and mitigated at all organizational levels thanks to clearly defined risk policies and responsibilities. Strategic risks and opportunities (e.g., related to climate change or water stress) are assessed in a top-down process, while a bottom-up process with a standardized methodology is used to assess environmental aspects, impacts, and risks, including legal compliance risks, in our operations.

The framework and methodology for our coordinated Group-wide Environmental Risk Assessment are based on best practice standards, meet ISO 14001 requirements, and ensure the consistent qualitative assessment of operational risks and impacts related to the environment. The resulting environmental risk database includes information on existing controls for environmental risks and future actions required.

Before undertaking new operational activities or entering new countries, we perform environmental risk assessments, including evaluations of local legislation, the potential impact of our activities on sensitive and protected areas, and the effects on endangered species. Each subsequent phase of project implementation is accompanied by a detailed assessment of environmental risks.