Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental Management
Due to a high degree of interdependence between Health, Safety, Security, and the Environment, these concepts are grouped into one single management focus: HSSE. HSSE management is governed by the HSSE Directive, which defines key expectations in compliance with internal HSSE regulations at various levels of the organizational structure as well as across Group and local functions. The Directive sets out the principles and rules for the management of HSSE-related risks and activities throughout the life cycle of Group business and activities, including capital projects, mergers, and acquisitions. The Directive also defines key HSSE responsibilities for all OMV Group employees, partners, and contractors. It additionally contains the HSSE Policy, the Major Accident Prevention Policy, and the Life Saving Rules. It also stipulates the continuous improvement of HSSE performance.
The HSSE Directive defines core aspects of HSSE management, grouped into twelve elements revolving around the “Plan-Do-Check-Act” cycle. For each element, the HSSE Directive defines the approach to follow for effective HSSE management. The HSSE Strategy and its implementation are aligned and fully embedded into the Corporate Strategy and the corporate governance structure.
Core aspects of HSSE management
Based on the HSSE Strategy, a business-specific HSSE Plan was developed for 2019 based on cross-functional and subject-matter goals. Leadership responsibility is assigned to the members of the Executive Board. OMV’s HSSE management includes interaction with employees or their representatives (trade unions) as a channel of engagement regarding issues that are particularly important and necessary for improvement. Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) Days are organized by the HSSE department for OMV’s various units to inform employees about HSSE topics.