32 – Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities Index28293031323334 Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset only when the Group has a current and legally enforceable right to set off the recognized amounts and when there is an intention to settle on a net basis or realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. OMV enters in the normal course of business into various master netting arrangements in the form of International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) agreements, European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) agreements or other similar arrangements. The tables below show the carrying amounts of recognized financial assets and financial liabilities that are subject to various netting arrangements. The net column would be in the Group’s statement of financial position, if all set-off rights were exercised. (XLSX:) Download Offsetting of financial assets In EUR mn Note Financial instruments (gross) Amounts set off in the statement of financial position Financial instruments in the statement of financial position (net) Liabilities with right of set-off (not offset) Net 2023 Derivative financial instruments 20 3,359 –2,417 942 –122 820 Trade receivables 20 4,535 –1,081 3,455 –65 3,390 Other sundry financial assets 20 1,626 –13 1,612 –1 1,611 Total 9,520 –3,511 6,009 –187 5,822 2022 Derivative financial instruments 13,466 –10,219 3,247 –547 2,700 Trade receivables 6,086 –1,864 4,222 –106 4,116 Other sundry financial assets 1,892 –42 1,850 –1 1,849 Total 21,444 –12,125 9,318 –654 8,664 (XLSX:) Download Offsetting of financial liabilities In EUR mn Note Financial instruments (gross) Amounts set off in the statement of financial position Financial instruments in the statement of financial position (net) Assets with right of set-off (not offset) Net 2023 Derivative financial instruments 26 2,953 –2,417 536 –122 415 Trade payables 26 5,035 –1,081 3,955 –65 3,890 Other sundry financial liabilities 26 1,217 –13 1,204 –1 1,203 Total 9,206 –3,511 5,695 –187 5,508 2022 Derivative financial instruments 11,835 –10,219 1,615 –547 1,068 Trade payables 7,123 –1,864 5,259 –106 5,153 Other sundry financial liabilities 1,089 –42 1,047 –1 1,046 Total 20,046 –12,125 7,921 –654 7,267 31 – Fair value hierarchy33 – Result on financial instruments