5 – Segment Reporting Fields of Activity Changes in segment reporting As of January 1, 2023, the Group introduced a new corporate structure, designed to fully enable the delivery of Strategy 2030. Following the reorganization and starting from Q1/23, the Group reports on the following business segments: Chemicals & Materials, Fuels & Feedstock (formerly Refining & Marketing), and Energy (formerly Exploration & Production). As part of the introduction of the new corporate structure, Gas & Power Eastern Europe, which includes Supply, Marketing, and Trading of gas in Romania and Türkiye and one gas-fired power plant in Romania, was transferred from Fuels & Feedstock to the Energy business segment. Internal reporting and relevant information provided to the chief operating decision-maker in order to assess performance and allocate resources have been updated to reflect the current organizational structure. Business operations and key markets For business management purposes, OMV is divided into three operating business segments as well as the segment Corporate and Other (C&O). Each segment represents a strategic unit and operates in different markets. Each Business Segment is managed independently. Strategic business decisions are made by the Executive Board of OMV. With the exception of C&O, the reportable segments of OMV are the same as the operating segments. The Chemicals & Materials (C&M) Business Segment is one of the world’s leading providers of advanced and circular polyolefin solutions and a European market leader in base chemicals and plastics recycling. OMV Group has a production capacity, including joint ventures, of 7.0 mn t of base chemicals, 6.3 mn t of polyolefins and 0.4 mn t of compounding. The majority of production is located in Europe, with two overseas manufacturing facilities in the United States, one in Brazil and one in South Korea. In addition, OMV holds minority stakes in various equity-accounted investments, the most significant ones being Borouge (United Arab Emirates), a Borealis’ joint venture with ADNOC that operates the largest petrochemical complex in the world, and the Baystar joint venture (Pasadena, United States), which has operated an ethane cracker since 2022 and started up an additional polyethylene plant using the unique Borstar® technology in 2023. OMV group is pursuing various initiatives in mechanical and chemical recycling and renewable polyolefins. Borealis is building a propane dehydrogenation plant in Belgium to leverage expected growth in propylene demand in Europe. The new facility will have a production capacity of 0.7 mn t of propylene. Together with ADNOC, Borealis is building Borouge 4 (Ruwais, United Arab Emirates), an ethane-based steam cracker with a capacity of 1.5 mn t (OMV share 0.6 mn t) and polyolefin plants with a capacity of 1.4 mn t (OMV share 0.6 mn t) using the unique Borstar® technology. The Fuels & Feedstock (F&F) Business segment refines and markets crude oil and other feedstock. It operates refineries with an annual capacity of 17.8 mn t in Schwechat (Austria), Burghausen (Germany), and Petrobrazi (Romania). In these refineries, crude oil is processed into petroleum products, which are sold to commercial and private customers. OMV has a strong position in the markets located within the areas of its supply, serving commercial customers, and operating a retail business of 1,666 filling stations. OMV holds minority stakes in various equity-accounted investments, the most significant being the 15% participation in ADNOC Refining (United Arab Emirates) with an annual capacity of 7.1 mn t (OMV share). Energy engages in the business of oil and gas exploration, development and production. The activities of this business segment also cover gas supply, marketing, trading, and logistics in Western and Eastern Europe and the Group’s power business activities, with one gas-fired power plant in Romania. In addition, low carbon business activities such as geothermal energy, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), and further renewable power solutions are covered by the Energy business segment. Group management, financing and insurance activities as well as certain service functions are concentrated in the Corporate & Other (C&O) segment. One of the key measures of operating performance for the Group is the Clean CCS Operating Result. Total assets include intangible assets as well as property, plant, and equipment. Sales to external customers are split up according to geographical areas on the basis of where the risk is transferred to customers. The net revenues of commodity trading activities within the scope of IFRS 9 and hedging results are reported in the country in which the reporting subsidiary is located. Accounting policies of the operating segments are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies, with certain exceptions for intra-group sales and cost allocations by the parent company, which are determined in accordance with internal OMV policies. Management is of the opinion that the transfer prices of goods and services exchanged between segments correspond to market prices. Business transactions not attributable to operating segments are included in the results of the C&O segment. The disclosure of special items is considered appropriate in order to facilitate analysis of ordinary business performance. To reflect comparable figures, certain items affecting the result are added back or deducted. These items can be divided into four subcategories: personnel restructuring, unscheduled depreciation and write-ups, asset disposals, and other. Furthermore, to enable effective performance management in an environment of volatile prices and comparability with peers, the CCS effect is eliminated from the accounting result. The CCS effect, also called inventory holding gains and losses, is the difference between the cost of sales calculated using the current cost of supply, and the cost of sales calculated using the weighted average method after adjusting for any changes in valuation allowances. In volatile energy markets, measuring of the costs of petroleum products sold based on historical values (e.g. weighted average cost) can have distorting effects on reported results. This performance measurement enhances the transparency of results and is commonly used in the oil industry. OMV, therefore, publishes this measure in addition to the Operating Result determined according to IFRS. (XLSX:) Download Segment reporting In EUR mn 2023 C&M F&F Energy C&O Total Consolidation OMV Group Sales revenues1 9,650 20,186 17,038 471 47,346 –7,883 39,463 Intersegmental sales –1,305 –2,433 –3,694 –451 –7,883 7,883 — Sales to third parties 8,345 17,753 13,344 20 39,463 — 39,463 Other operating income 129 336 208 69 742 — 742 Net income from equity-accounted investments 101 296 –71 — 326 — 326 Depreciation and amortization 541 425 1,434 40 2,439 — 2,439 Impairment losses (incl. exploration & appraisal) 126 7 231 1 365 — 365 Write-ups — — 189 0 189 — 189 Operating Result –120 1,671 3,771 –65 5,257 –31 5,226 Special items for personnel restructuring 5 0 — — 6 — 6 Special items for unscheduled depreciation and write-ups 135 — –91 — 44 — 44 Special items for asset disposal 12 –221 — — –208 — –208 Other special items 62 74 677 14 827 — 827 Special items 214 –146 586 14 668 — 668 Clean Operating Result 94 1,525 4,357 –51 5,925 –31 5,894 CCS effect — 126 — — 126 4 130 Clean CCS Operating Result 94 1,651 4,357 –51 6,050 –27 6,024 Segment assets2 6,618 4,508 10,488 246 21,859 — 21,859 Additions to PPE/IA3 1,110 986 1,585 54 3,736 — 3,736 Equity-accounted investments4 4,747 1,655 266 — 6,668 — 6,668 1 Including intersegmental sales 2 Property, plant and equipment (PPE), intangible assets (IA), not including assets reclassified to assets held for sale 3 Excluding additions to assets reclassified to held for sale and additions to decommissioning assets. 4 Excluding assets held for sale Segment reporting information from earlier periods has been adjusted consequently to comply with IFRS 8.29. The tables below depict the segment reporting information as restated after the reorganization and as reported in 2022: (XLSX:) Download Segment reporting In EUR mn 2022 restated C&M F&F Energy C&O Total Consolidation OMV Group Sales revenues1 13,450 22,382 35,256 424 71,512 –9,214 62,298 Intersegmental sales –1,181 –2,525 –5,101 –407 –9,214 9,214 — Sales to third parties 12,269 19,857 30,155 17 62,298 — 62,298 Other operating income 548 702 336 58 1,644 — 1,644 Net income from equity-accounted investments 332 477 60 — 869 — 869 Depreciation and amortization 533 396 1,504 41 2,474 — 2,474 Impairment losses (incl. exploration & appraisal) 7 14 826 7 853 — 853 Write-ups 266 68 327 — 660 — 660 Operating Result 2,039 2,438 7,890 –86 12,281 –35 12,246 Special items for personnel restructuring — 2 1 4 8 — 8 Special items for unscheduled depreciation and write-ups –263 –47 252 — –58 — –58 Special items for asset disposal –315 –409 — — –724 — –724 Other special items –4 28 –142 31 –87 — –87 Special items –582 –426 111 36 –861 — –861 Clean Operating Result 1,457 2,012 8,001 –50 11,420 –35 11,385 CCS effect — –202 — — –202 –8 –210 Clean CCS Operating Result 1,457 1,810 8,001 –50 11,218 –43 11,175 Segment assets2 5,964 3,954 11,675 234 21,826 — 21,826 Additions to PPE/IA3 1,285 805 1,533 41 3,664 — 3,664 Equity-accounted investments4 5,179 1,765 350 — 7,294 — 7,294 1 Including intersegmental sales 2 Property, plant and equipment (PPE), intangible assets (IA), not including assets reclassified to assets held for sale 3 Excluding additions to assets reclassified to held for sale and additions to decommissioning assets. 4 Not including assets held for sale (XLSX:) Download Segment reporting In EUR mn 2022 reported C&M R&M E&P C&O Total Consolidation OMV Group Sales revenues1 13,450 28,634 30,857 424 73,365 –11,067 62,298 Intersegmental sales –1,181 –2,818 –6,661 –407 –11,067 11,067 — Sales to third parties 12,269 25,816 24,197 17 62,298 — 62,298 Other operating income 548 857 181 58 1,644 — 1,644 Net income from equity-accounted investments 332 477 60 — 869 — 869 Depreciation and amortization 533 422 1,478 41 2,474 — 2,474 Impairment losses (incl. exploration & appraisal) 7 15 825 7 853 — 853 Write-ups 266 68 327 — 660 — 660 Operating Result 2,039 3,392 6,936 –86 12,281 –35 12,246 Special items for personnel restructuring — 2 1 4 8 — 8 Special items for unscheduled depreciation and write-ups –263 –47 252 — –58 — –58 Special items for asset disposal –315 –409 — — –724 — –724 Other special items –4 –321 207 31 –87 — –87 Special items –582 –774 460 36 –861 — –861 Clean Operating Result 1,457 2,618 7,396 –50 11,420 –35 11,385 CCS effect — –202 — — –202 –8 –210 Clean CCS Operating Result 1,457 2,415 7,396 –50 11,218 –43 11,175 Segment assets2 5,964 4,223 11,407 234 21,826 — 21,826 Additions to PPE/IA3 1,285 826 1,512 41 3,664 — 3,664 Equity-accounted investments4 5,179 1,765 350 — 7,294 — 7,294 1 Including intersegmental sales 2 Property, plant and equipment (PPE), intangible assets (IA), not including assets reclassified to assets held for sale. 3 Excluding additions to assets reclassified to held for sale and additions to decommissioning assets 4 Not including assets held for sale In 2023, special items for unscheduled depreciation and write-ups were mainly attributable to the net effect of impairments and write-ups of E&P assets, an impairment of the Borealis nitrogen business, as well as the write-up of the natural gas storage asset in Germany. For further details on impairments and write-ups see Note 8 – Depreciation, amortization, impairments and write-ups. Special items for asset disposals were mainly related to the sale of OMV’s filling station and wholesale business in Slovenia. For further details see Note 7 – Other operating income. Other special items mainly consisted of temporary valuation effects and a partial impairment of exploration & appraisal assets included in OMV’s initial purchase price allocation of its share in Pearl Petroleum Company Limited (investment accounted for at-equity). (XLSX:) Download Information on geographical areas In EUR mn 2023 2022 Sales to third parties Segment assets1 Equity-accounted investments2 Sales to third parties Segment assets1 Equity-accounted investments2 Austria 9,097 4,918 13 14,911 4,365 16 Belgium 814 2,384 29 987 1,950 45 Germany 6,302 1,301 30 14,102 1,200 31 New Zealand 451 676 — 598 864 — Norway 1,045 1,056 — 1,584 1,219 — Romania 6,728 6,013 — 10,149 5,437 — United Arab Emirates 1,459 1,682 5,638 1,644 1,677 6,073 Rest of CEE3 5,677 568 — 7,548 554 — Rest of Europe 5,545 1,859 24 7,454 1,848 22 Rest of the world4 2,344 1,072 934 3,322 2,162 1,107 Allocated 39,463 21,529 6,668 62,298 21,274 7,294 Unallocated assets — 330 — — 552 — Total 39,463 21,859 6,668 62,298 21,826 7,294 1 Property, plant and equipment (PPE), intangible assets (IA), not including assets reclassified to assets held for sale 2 Equity-accounted investments are allocated based on the seat of the registered office of the parent company, not including assets held for sale. 3 Including Türkiye 4 Rest of the world: principally Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, India, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Qatar, Russia (only until February 2022), Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Tunisia, United States of America, and Yemen Unallocated assets contained goodwill in the amount of EUR 330 mn (2022: EUR 342 mn) related to the cash-generating unit “Middle East and Africa” as this CGU operates in more than one geographical area. In 2022, unallocated assets also included goodwill in the amount of EUR 210 mn related to cash generating unit SapuraOMV. In 2023 the disposal group SapuraOMV was reclassified to “held for sale”. For further details, please refer to Note 22 – Assets and liabilities held for sale. schließen C&M Chemicals & Materials business segment schließen mn Million schließen t Metric ton schließen mn Million schließen t Metric ton schließen F&F Fuels & Feedstock business segment schließen Clean CCS Operating Result Operating Result adjusted for special items and CCS effectsThe Group clean CCS Operating Result is calculated by adding the clean CCS Operating Result of Refining & Marketing, the clean Operating Result of other segments and the reported consolidation effect adjusted for changes in valuation allowances, in case the net realizable value of the inventory is lower than its cost. schließen CCS/CCS effects/inventory holding gains/(losses) Current Cost of SupplyInventory holding gains and losses represent the difference between the cost of sales calculated using the current cost of supply and the cost of sales calculated using the weighted average method after adjusting for any changes in valuation allowances in case the net realizable value of the inventory is lower than its cost. In volatile energy markets, measurement of the costs of petroleum products sold based on historical values (e.g., weighted average cost) can have distorting effects on reported results (Operating Result, net income, etc.). The amount disclosed as CCS effect represents the difference between the charge to the income statement for inventory on a weighted average basis (adjusted for the change in valuation allowances related to net realizable value) and the charge based on the current cost of supply. The current cost of supply is calculated monthly using data from supply and production systems at the Refining & Marketing level. schließen E&P Exploration & Production, part of Energy business segment schließen Pearl Pearl Petroleum Company Limited schließen CGU Cash generating unit 4 – Changes in Group structureNotes to the Income Statement