Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for 2023 Results (XLSX:) Download Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows In EUR mn Note 2023 2022 Net income for the year 1,917 5,175 Depreciation, amortization, impairments and write ups 8 2,619 2,667 Deferred taxes 14 175 85 Current taxes 14 2,512 5,505 Income taxes paid –3,920 –4,266 Tax refunds 41 68 Losses (+)/gains (–) from disposal of non-current assets and businesses 7, 10 –2 –344 Income from equity-accounted investments and other dividend income 7, 20, 33 –336 –879 Dividends received from equity-accounted investments and other companies 18, 37 793 812 Interest expenses 12, 33 148 154 Interest paid –181 –182 Interest income 12, 33 –459 –264 Interest received 400 247 Increase (+)/decrease (–) in personnel provisions 25 –102 –13 Net change in other provisions and emissions certificates 2, 25 –72 –195 Other changes 28 1,106 1,274 Cash flow from operating activities excluding net working capital effects 4,638 9,843 Decrease (+)/increase (–) in inventories 19 1,320 –2,188 Decrease (+)/increase (–) in receivables 20, 21 1,043 –397 Increase (+)/decrease (–) in liabilities 26 –1,293 501 Changes in net working capital components 1,071 –2,084 Cash flow from operating activities 5,709 7,758 Investments Intangible assets and property, plant, and equipment 16, 17 –3,487 –2,943 Investments, loans, and other financial assets 20 –635 –736 Acquisitions of subsidiaries and businesses net of cash acquired –52 — Disposals Cash inflows in relation to non-current assets and financial assets 183 1,487 Cash inflows from the sale of subsidiaries and businesses, net of cash disposed 4 965 440 Cash disposed due to the loss of control — –214 Cash flow from investing activities –3,027 –1,966 Repayments of long-term borrowings 28 –1,477 –1,047 Increase (+)/decrease (–) in short-term borrowings 28 40 –184 Increase in non-controlling interest 24 — 30 Decrease in non-controlling interest –1 –1 Dividends paid to stockholders of the parent (incl. hybrid coupons) 23 –1,746 –847 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 24 –587 –612 Cash flow from financing activities –3,771 –2,660 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents –25 –72 Net increase (+)/decrease (–) in cash and cash equivalents –1,114 3,060 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 28 8,124 5,064 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 28 7,011 8,124 Thereof cash disclosed within Assets held for sale 91 35 Cash and cash equivalents presented in the consolidated statement of financial position 6,920 8,090 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity in 2023Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements