Workforce Data Year End Headcount by Region, Gender, Employment, and Contract Type (XLSX:) Download Austria Rest of Europe Middle East and Africa Rest of the world 12/31/2021 12/31/2020 Employees Total (incl. apprentices) 5,762 15,074 634 964 22,434 25,291 thereof apprentices 126 4 0 0 130 84 Gender Male 4,206 11,007 554 719 16,486 18,913 Female 1,556 4,067 80 245 5,948 6,378 Employment type1 Full-time2 5,224 14,459 595 919 21,197 23,615 thereof male 4,078 10,641 518 692 15,929 17,852 thereof female 1,146 3,818 77 227 5,268 5,763 Part-time 538 615 39 45 1,237 1,676 thereof male 128 366 36 27 557 1,061 thereof female 410 249 3 18 680 615 Contract type Temporary3 401 328 32 38 799 792 thereof male 284 235 28 26 573 546 thereof female 117 93 4 12 226 246 Permanent 5,361 14,746 602 926 21,635 23,844 thereof male 3,922 10,772 526 693 15,913 17,878 thereof female 1,439 3,974 76 233 5,722 5,966 1 Excluding Avanti GmbH, Gas Connect Austria GmbH, Dunatar Kft., and SapuraOMV Upstream (only as of 31.12.2020) 2 At OMV Petrom employees have the option to reduce the daily working-time to raise a child up to the age of two or three years. These employees are reported as full-time. 3 A temporary contract of employment is of limited duration and terminated by a specific event, such as the end of a project, the return of replaced personnel, etc. Local Employment (XLSX:) Download Total headcount Thereof local nationality % Total hires in FY 2021 Thereof local nationality % Austria Austria 5,762 4,596 79.76 330 168 50.91 Rest of Europe Belgium 1,337 1,245 93.12 68 29 42.65 Bulgaria 69 55 79.71 5 5 100.00 Croatia 2 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Czech Republic 49 48 97.96 8 8 100.00 Denmark 2 2 100.00 0 0 0.00 Finland 910 881 96.81 57 16 28.07 France 889 861 96.85 60 25 41.67 Germany 968 873 90.19 60 28 46.67 Greece 1 1 100.00 0 0 0.00 Hungary 183 138 75.41 21 13 61.90 Italy 102 91 89.22 13 2 15.38 Moldova 52 52 100.00 6 6 100.00 Netherlands 211 179 84.83 15 7 46.67 Norway 68 59 86.76 5 2 40.00 Poland 7 7 100.00 0 0 0.00 Romania 8,734 8,691 99.51 204 197 96.57 Russia 29 29 100.00 0 0 0.00 Serbia 63 63 100.00 7 7 100.00 Slovakia 175 146 83.43 19 16 84.21 Slovenia 71 71 100.00 4 4 100.00 Spain 7 6 85.71 0 0 0.00 Sweden 948 920 97.05 37 6 16.22 Switzerland 90 2 2.22 6 0 0.00 Turkey 54 54 100.00 3 1 33.33 United Kingdom 53 36 67.92 8 0 0.00 Middle East and Africa Libya 29 29 100.00 0 0 0.00 Morocco 2 2 100.00 0 0 0.00 South Africa 1 1 100.00 0 0 0.00 Tunisia 237 237 100.00 1 1 100.00 United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) 66 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Yemen 299 298 99.67 0 0 0.00 Rest of the world Argentina 1 1 100.00 0 0 0.00 Australia 7 7 100.00 1 1 100.00 Brazil 121 119 98.35 25 10 40.00 Chile 4 3 75.00 2 0 0.00 China 5 3 60.00 0 0 0.00 Colombia 2 2 100.00 0 0 0.00 Hong Kong 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kazakhstan 0 0 0.00 7 7 100.00 Malaysia 243 242 99.59 6 6 100.00 Mexico 2 2 100.00 0 0 0.00 New Zealand 278 212 76.26 11 11 100.00 Singapore 8 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 South Korea 83 74 89.16 1 0 0.00 United States 210 185 88.10 61 33 54.10 Parental Leave1 (XLSX:) Download 2021 2020 Total employees entitled to parental leave as per December 31 Male 11,400 12,163 Female 4,480 4,539 Total 15,880 16,702 Took parental leave Male 280 108 Female 233 281 Total 513 389 Returned from parental leave Male 287 93 Female 170 143 Total 457 236 1 Excluding Avanti GmbH, Gas Connect Austria GmbH, Dunatar Kft., and SapuraOMV Upstream (only as of 31.12.2020 and FY 2020) Diversity (XLSX:) Download Gender Age Total Total Male Female <30 30–50 >50 2021 2020 Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. Abs. OMV Supervisory Board 5 50.00 5 50.00 0 0.00 3 30.00 7 70.00 10 10 OMV Executive Board 4 80.00 1 20.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 100.00 5 5 Executives and advanced level1 651 79.10 172 20.90 0 0.00 462 56.14 361 43.86 823 445 Diversity in general 16,486 73.49 5,948 26.51 1,885 8.40 12,360 55.09 8,189 36.50 22,434 25,291 1 Executives includes OMV Senior Vice Presidents, OMV Petrom, and Borealis Group Board Members Diversity by Age, Level, and Gender (XLSX:) Download 12/31/2021 12/31/20201 <30 30–50 >50 <30 30–50 >50 % % % % % % Board (OMV Executive Board only) Male 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 20.00 60.00 Female 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 40.00 60.00 Executives (OMV Senior Vice Presidents, OMV Petrom, and Borealis Group Board Members) Male 0.00 27.27 72.73 0.00 28.95 52.63 Female 0.00 66.67 33.33 0.00 10.53 7.89 Total 0.00 33.33 66.67 0.00 39.48 60.52 Advanced level Male 0.00 52.43 47.57 0.00 49.14 29.98 Female 0.00 75.30 24.70 0.25 17.69 2.95 Total 0.00 57.27 42.73 0.25 66.83 32.93 Core level Male 0.33 63.83 35.83 0.28 45.44 24.20 Female 1.28 78.69 20.04 0.34 23.80 5.92 Total 0.63 68.50 30.87 0.63 69.25 30.13 Primary level Male 2.61 62.56 34.83 1.88 38.02 22.21 Female 4.95 68.70 26.35 1.98 26.12 9.79 Total 3.52 64.95 31.53 3.86 64.14 31.99 Entry level Male 11.90 47.97 40.13 5.61 21.42 18.84 Female 11.63 48.40 39.98 6.67 26.19 21.26 Total 11.75 48.20 40.05 12.28 47.61 40.10 Technician Male 6.59 48.31 45.10 4.60 47.95 39.51 Female 5.92 28.93 65.15 0.37 2.82 4.75 Total 6.53 46.70 46.77 4.96 50.78 44.26 Not classified Male 12.95 54.24 32.81 n.r. n.r. n.r. Female 13.82 61.77 24.41 n.r. n.r. n.r. Total 13.14 55.86 31.01 n.r. n.r. n.r. 1 Excluding Avanti GmbH, Gas Connect Austria GmbH, Dunatar Kft., and SapuraOMV Upstream (only as of 31.12.2020) n.r. = not reported New Hires by Region, Gender, and Age (XLSX:) Download Austria Rest of Europe Middle East and Africa Rest of the world 2021 20201 Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Gender Male 219 66.36 404 66.67 1 100.00 82 71.93 706 67.17 411 67.71 Female 111 33.64 202 33.33 0 0.00 32 28.07 345 32.83 196 32.29 Total 330 100.00 606 100.00 1 100.00 114 100.00 1,051 100.00 607 100.00 Age <30 107 32.42 216 35.64 0 0.00 19 16.67 342 32.54 168 27.68 30-50 202 61.21 330 54.46 1 100.00 84 73.68 617 58.71 384 63.26 >50 21 6.36 60 9.90 0 0.00 11 9.65 92 8.75 55 9.06 Total 330 100.00 606 100.00 1 100.00 114 100.00 1,051 100.00 607 100.00 1 Excluding Avanti GmbH, Gas Connect Austria GmbH, Dunatar Kft., and SapuraOMV Upstream (only FY 2020) Ended Contracts by Region, Gender, and Age (XLSX:) Download Austria Rest of Europe Middle East and Africa Rest of the world 2021 20201 Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Gender Male 299 74.75 2,595 81.20 7 70.00 449 81.19 3,350 80.55 1,895 78.11 Female 101 25.25 601 18.80 3 30.00 104 18.81 809 19.45 531 21.89 Total 400 100.00 3,196 100.00 10 100.00 553 100.00 4,159 100.00 2,426 100.00 Age <30 69 17.25 95 2.97 0 0.00 49 8.86 213 5.12 94 3.87 30-50 193 48.25 1,100 34.42 10 100.00 388 70.16 1,691 40.66 903 37.22 >50 138 34.50 2,001 62.61 0 0.00 116 20.98 2,255 54.22 1,429 58.91 Total 400 100.00 3,196 100.00 10 100.00 553 100.00 4,159 100.00 2,426 100.00 1 Excluding Avanti GmbH, Gas Connect Austria GmbH, Dunatar Kft., and SapuraOMV Upstream (only FY 2020) Turnover Rate by Region, Gender, and Age (XLSX:) Download Austria Rest of Europe Middle East and Africa Rest of the world 2021 20201 Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Gender Male 299 7.18 2,595 21.93 7 1.25 449 52.82 3,350 19.25 1,895 13.36 Female 101 6.62 601 14.10 3 3.70 104 38.81 809 13.18 531 10.57 Total 400 7.03 3,196 19.86 10 1.56 553 49.46 4,159 17.67 2,426 12.63 Age <30 69 8.68 95 8.69 0 0.00 49 70.00 213 10.80 94 0.49 30-50 193 5.48 1,100 13.16 10 1.85 388 50.85 1,691 12.83 903 4.70 >50 138 10.97 2,001 30.12 0 0.00 116 40.70 2,255 27.26 1,429 7.44 Total 400 7.03 3,196 19.86 10 1.56 553 49.46 4,159 17.67 2,426 12.63 1 Excluding Avanti GmbH, Gas Connect Austria GmbH, Dunatar Kft., and SapuraOMV Upstream (only FY 2020) Labor Practice Indicators 12/31/2021 12/31/2020 Percentage of employees who have the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining1 95.08% 96.41% Percentage of employees pepresented by local trade unions or works council2 86.10% 87.49% Percentage of employees for whom minimum wages or salaries were fixed by law or agreed upon by way of collective bargaining2 94.57% 95.32% Percentage of employees covered by mandatory period of notice under employment law or collective bargaining agreements in case of restructuring2 98.35% 99.72% 1 Excluding Avanti GmbH, Gas Connect Austria GmbH, Dunatar Kft., and SapuraOMV Upstream (only as of 31.12.2020) 2 Excluding Avanti GmbH, Borealis Group, Dunatar Kft., Gas Connect Austria GmbH, and SapuraOMV Upstream (only as of 31.12.2020) Average Hours of Training and Education by Position and Gender1, 2 (XLSX:) Download 2021 2020 2019 Board and executives Average training hours for Board and executives3 14 11 19 Advanced level Average training hours for advanced level3 15 13 25 Core level Average training hours for core level3 18 15 25 Primary level Average training hours for primary level3 19 15 24 Entry level Average training hours for entry level3 17 11 21 Technicians Average training hours for technicians3 15 11 19 Grand total Average training hours for all employees 18 12 21 Average training hours for female employees 16 12 18 Average training hours for male employees 19 13 22 Average hours of health, safety, and emergency response training for full-time (direct) employees 6 n.r. n.r. Total training hours for female employees 94,514 55,633 89,658 Total training hours for male employees 305,469 161,203 314,564 Total training hours for all employees 399,983 216,837 404,222 Money spent on training 8,352,725 4,349,217 8,271,226 Number of participants in trainings 20,887 16,044 16,322 1 Excluding DUNATÀR Köolajtermék Tároló és Kereskedelmi Kft., SapuraOMV Upstream; excl. DYM Solutions, MTM, Ecoplast, Rosier 2 Excluding conferences and training for external employees 3 Excluding Borealis Group, DUNATÀR Köolajtermék Tároló és Kereskedelmi Kft., and SapuraOMV Upstream n.r. = not reported Environmental DataOMV AG Data