Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Material Topic: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Actively seeking diversity of thought and experience, ensuring equal opportunities for all, and cultivating an environment of respect and psychological safety to enable all employees to be their full selves. Key GRI GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 NaDiVeG Employee and social concerns Most relevant SDGs We are committed to our diversity strategy with measurable targets related to gender equality and internationality. Diversity has been an enormous strength that we have actively leveraged to create diversity-based business value. We strongly believe that diverse teams are more creative, resourceful, and knowledgeable, and that they generate broader perspectives, ideas, and options. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) therefore have a strong impact on people and teams, improving engagement and job satisfaction, and directly contribute to the Group’s profitability and sustainability. The OMV Group is therefore expanding our DEI focus to include a broader range of diversity aspects – such as age, nationality, diversity of ideas. Ultimately, our goal is to encourage and support all forms of diversity in the workforce and create an environment where all employees are valued. This means having an inclusive culture in which the same opportunities are in place for all people to feel supported and be successful. Specific Policies and Commitments As stated in our Code of Conduct, employees and job applicants will not be discriminated against on grounds of age, race, faith or religion, skin color, nationality, ethnic origin, political or other beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, or family status. The principle of equal opportunity is strictly observed in recruitment. Furthermore, to encourage gender diversity, our recruitment policy reflects our commitment to promoting equal opportunities: At least one female candidate is included in every shortlist for each position. Gender is one of the diversity criteria we apply when selecting members of the Supervisory Board and of the Executive Board. We encourage salary equality at all career stages, for example, by setting standardized entry-level salaries that are reviewed each year in line with the local market situation. Governance OMV Group Human Resources is responsible for implementing the OMV Group’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy. For more information on human resources governance, see Employees. In the coming years, OMV aims to establish a global DEI Board/Council with an empowered and representative steering committee in order to ensure all actions supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion are well aligned, have sufficient resources allocated, and are supported by Executive Management. Responsibility for the diversity topic is anchored at the highest level, as the achievement of diversity targets forms part of the Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) in the Executive Board’s remuneration. Management and Due Diligence Processes Embedding DEI into Our People Processes We have embedded diversity targets into our people processes such as recruitment, talent and succession planning, learning, and leadership development. We continuously monitor gender, age, employee background, seniority, and salary equality to ensure fair treatment and equal opportunities at all career levels. At the same time, we strive to continuously develop new initiatives and measures that cultivate a culture of diversity and equal opportunity at OMV. For instance, as part of our general employee and leadership training, OMV offers an e-learning course to deepen understanding of unconscious biases, how they influence behavior, and how they impact us all. In 2021, we launched the “New Parent Program” in Austria focused on equipping future new parents with information on parental leave and part-time models, the related long-term financial aspects, and things to consider when returning to work. The program’s target group includes male as well as female employees to encourage more equal distribution of childcare responsibilities. Leadership Development and Succession Planning Our diversity targets are also embedded in succession planning, with a preference for female candidates when identifying top talent. In order to strengthen our pipeline of future female leaders, we have introduced the following measures: Providing advanced mentoring for women Launching the SHEnergy women’s leadership development program Running career aspiration talks across all our divisions in the OMV Group with the goal of giving talented female employees greater visibility and ensuring better understanding of their support needs and individual career plans Encouraging leaders to create an inclusive work environment Covering unconscious bias in our leadership programs Offering interview training as part of our new manager training with the goal of teaching behavioral interviewing techniques, such as how to overcome unconscious biases and how to better structure interviews Including internationality in the criteria for assessing candidates in the process of executive recruiting The increasing number of women in leadership positions at OMV confirms the effectiveness of the dialogue and activities underway. 2021 Actions 49% of participants in leadership development programs were female in 2021.1 Data excluding Borealis20% increase in paternal leave in 2021 vs 20202 Data excluding Borealis as Borealis only began reporting parental leave in 2021. Borealis is consolidated into overall parental leave data for 2021 in Workforce Data. During 2021, OMV continued to strongly commit to delivering its DEI Strategy. The following key activities were carried out across the Group in 2021: 49% of participants in leadership development programs were female in 2021.1 Data excluding Borealis20% increase in paternal leave in 2021 vs 20202 Data excluding Borealis as Borealis only began reporting parental leave in 2021. Borealis is consolidated into overall parental leave data for 2021 in Workforce Data. Dedicated diversity targets were established in 2018. This enabled us to set clear commitments in this area and measure improvement in the two main focus areas defined: gender equality and internationality. We developed new targets in 2021 as part of the Strategy 2030, building on the targets set in 2018 and further expanding our understanding of diversity. Our focus on diversity is also being actively nurtured throughout the organization today, supported by a range of trainings, activities, and awareness campaigns, including a Diversity & Inclusion Week held in March and built around International Women’s Day. We also continued our series of online events with external guest speakers on relevant diversity topics such as remote leadership, working across cultures, and the intersection of inclusion and technology. We designed and implemented targeted training programs, such as SHEnergy, a blended-learning program for women at OMV, to support women’s leadership skills. The program focuses on active inclusion skills and also emphasizes the power of mentoring and networking in developing female leaders. Through our mentoring programs, we ensure that skills and knowledge are enhanced and create the right framework for an exchange of diverse experiences. Our mentoring programs successfully incorporate different generations, diverse participants, and a wealth of valuable experiences as an important contribution to our diversity, equity, and inclusion activities. This effort is also brought to life by a variety of voluntary and employee-organized groups, who bring together a wide range of diverse minds and backgrounds from across the Company with the common aim of enhancing collaboration, empowerment, and employee engagement at OMV. Outlook Looking ahead, we want to leverage this spirit further across the entire OMV Group of companies and expand our focus to capture the full range of diversity, equity, and inclusion activities. We firmly believe that embracing our differences and utilizing our diversity of thought and experiences will act as a catalyst for our growth and creativity. We also see it as our responsibility to ensure an inclusive and safe space for everyone to express themselves fully in the workplace, as well as to provide equitable opportunities for each and every employee to grow and actively contribute to the Group’s profitability and sustainability. In order to support these strategic goals, we will focus on the following initiatives in the coming years: Regularly report on gender-related salary equality Regularly report on the age distribution to identify gaps and foster inter-generational collaboration Introduce a non-discrimination policy Improve support for working parents Improve support for employees with disabilities Establish a global DEI Board/Council Implement regular global people and culture surveys Targets 2025 Increase share of women at management level to 25% Keep high share of executives with international experience at min. 75% Targets 2030 Increase share of women at management level to 30%3 Management level: executives and advanced career level Min. 20% female Executive Board members4 Members of OMV, OMV Petrom, and Borealis Executive Boards considered (stretch target 30%) Increase share of international management5 International is defined as non-Austrian citizens. to 65% Keep share of executives with international experience6 International experience: equal to or greater than three years of living and working abroad. Executives are defined as Senior Vice Presidents. at min. 75% Increase support for employees with disabilities at our main locations Status 2021 Women at management level: 20.9% Female Executive Board members: 26.7% International management: 60.0% Executives with international experience: 71.8% Relevant SDGs SDG targets:5.1 End all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life8.5 By 2030 achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value10.2 By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status 1 Data excluding Borealis 2 Data excluding Borealis as Borealis only began reporting parental leave in 2021. Borealis is consolidated into overall parental leave data for 2021 in Workforce Data. 3 Management level: executives and advanced career level 4 Members of OMV, OMV Petrom, and Borealis Executive Boards considered 5 International is defined as non-Austrian citizens. 6 International experience: equal to or greater than three years of living and working abroad. Executives are defined as Senior Vice Presidents. schließen GRI Global Reporting Initiative schließen DEI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion schließen LTIP Long-Term Incentive Plan Human RightsEmployees