About This Report Welcome to the OMV Sustainability Report 2021! This Report covers the operations of the OMV Group, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, for the 2021 business year. Report Scope, Material Topics, and Boundaries OMV’s 2021 Sustainability Report, a document published annually (most recent Sustainability Report published on April 6, 2021), was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards Core option. This Report is the combined, consolidated, non-financial report of the OMV Group in line with the Austrian Nachhaltigkeits- und Diversitätsverbesserungsgesetz (Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act; NaDiVeG), namely in accordance with Section 267a of the Austrian Commercial Code. In line with NaDiVeG’s reporting requirements (Section 243b), data particularly relevant for OMV Aktiengesellschaft is reported separately in the Performance in Detail section under OMV AG Data. The document also serves as our Communication on Progress for the UN Global Compact (UNGC). The 2021 Report describes our management and performance of the material Environmental, Social, and Governance issues for our Company. Our disclosures focus on the topics that were deemed most material to our business and stakeholders during the materiality analysis performed in 2020 and a review conducted by internal experts with external support in 2021 (see Materiality). The Report is also guided by the GRI Sector Standard for Oil and Gas, which will come into force in 2023, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standard for the Oil & Gas – E&P industry, and the “Sustainability reporting guidance for the oil and gas industry” developed by IPIECA, API, and IOGP. Reporting on OMV’s alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been informed by GRI and the UNGC’s Business Reporting on the SDGs. The data presented in the Report is consolidated at Group level and covers all fully consolidated entities, analogous to the Company’s financial statements. This boundary applies to all material topics, unless clearly indicated otherwise for a particular material topic in the text of this Sustainability Report. OMV acquired a majority stake in Borealis in 2020. In 2021, Borealis is included in the most relevant data for each material topic. All of the Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) data, including greenhouse gas data for Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 categories 1 and 2 under the GHG Protocol, is collected for activities where OMV is the operator or where OMV has a stake of more than 50% and exerts a controlling influence. For GHG Protocol Scope 3 categories 10 and 11, data is collected on an equity basis. This Sustainability Report has been externally assured. The independent assurance (limited assurance) has been performed in accordance with the requirements of the ISAE 3000 (Revised) standard. More information about OMV can be found in the OMV Annual Report 2021, in the OMV Factbook, and on our website: www.omv.com schließen GRI Global Reporting Initiative schließen NaDiVeG Austrian Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act schließen UN United Nations schließen UNGC UN Global Compact schließen SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards Board schließen IPIECA Oil and Gas Industry Association for Environment and Social Issues schließen API American Petroleum Institute schließen IOGP International Association of Oil & Gas Producers schließen SDGs Sustainable Development Goals schließen HSSE Health, Safety, Security, and Environment schließen GHG greenhouse gas schließen ISAE International Standard on Assurance Engagements TCFD Recommendations IndexAbbreviations