25 – Deferred taxes Index141516171819202122232425 (XLSX:) Download Deferred taxes In EUR mn Deferred tax assets total Deferred tax assets not recognized Deferred tax assets recognized Deferred tax liabilities 2022 Intangible assets 159 — 159 244 Property, plant and equipment 120 3 117 2,564 Inventories 38 — 38 56 Derivatives 226 — 226 683 Receivables and other assets 85 20 65 297 Deferred taxes reclassified to assets and liabilities associated with assets held for sale 153 135 18 52 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 204 89 116 107 Provisions for decommissioning, restoration obligations and environmental costs 1,217 14 1,203 0 Other provisions 112 — 112 32 Liabilities 350 0 350 16 Tax impairments according section 12 (3)/2 of the Austrian Corporate Income Tax Act (KStG) 684 — 684 — Tax loss carryforwards 1,635 816 819 — Outside basis differences 120 — 120 54 Total 5,103 1,076 4,027 4,105 Netting (same tax jurisdictions) (2,877) (2,877) Deferred taxes reclassified to assets and liabilities associated with assets held for sale 1 35 Deferred taxes as per statement of financial position 1,150 1,194 2021 Intangible assets 197 22 175 446 Property, plant and equipment 163 86 77 2,456 Inventories 38 — 38 67 Derivatives 667 — 667 1,086 Receivables and other assets 88 15 73 50 Deferred taxes reclassified to assets and liabilities associated with assets held for sale 39 — 39 82 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 263 128 135 106 Provisions for decommissioning, restoration obligations and environmental costs 1,307 15 1,292 0 Other provisions 125 — 125 46 Liabilities 259 0 259 7 Tax impairments according section 12 (3)/2 of the Austrian Corporate Income Tax Act (KStG) 115 — 115 — Tax loss carryforwards 1,546 706 840 — Outside basis differences 433 — 433 10 Total 5,240 972 4,268 4,356 Netting (same tax jurisdictions) (2,965) (2,965) Deferred taxes reclassified to assets and liabilities associated with assets held for sale 39 82 Deferred taxes as per statement of financial position 1,265 1,309 Deferred taxes were mainly related to different valuation methods, differences in impairments, write-offs, write-ups and depreciation and amortization as well as different definition of costs. Decrease in deferred tax liabilities (DTL) related to intangible assets was mainly driven by deconsolidation of JSC GAZPROM YRGM Development. For further details see Note 2 – Accounting policies, judgements and estimates, section ‘Impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and related significant estimates and assumptions’. Increase in deferred tax assets (DTA) related to tax impairments was mainly drived by the impairment of investment in JSC GAZPROM YRGM Development. For further details see Note 12 – Taxes on income and profit. The overall net DTA position of tax jurisdictions which suffered a tax loss either in current or preceding year amounted to EUR 682 mn, thereof EUR 522 mn is attributable to the Austrian tax group (2021: EUR 901 mn, thereof Austrian tax group EUR 658 mn). In 2022 as well as in the previous year, a valuation allowance for DTA for the Austrian tax group was recognized. DTA recognized for the AT Tax Group as of December 31, 2022 reflects the expected utilization of deductible temporary differences of balance sheet items and tax losses carried forward based on the mid term plan for the period 2023 – 2027. Limitation to the usage of tax losses of 75%, as stipulated by the Austrian Corporate Income Tax Act, was considered in the assessment of the recoverable DTA within the planning period. Remaining DTL after the planning period are mainly expected to be offset with DTA from temporary differences. Any remaining DTL after netting is assumed to be offset with DTA from tax losses, therefore the limitation to the usage of tax losses have not been considered after the planning period. This is also supported by the fact that tax losses can be carried forward for an unlimited period of time. As of December 31, 2022, OMV recognized tax losses carryforward of EUR 6,758 mn before allowances (2021: EUR 5,839 mn), thereof EUR 3,460 mn (2021: EUR 3,202 mn) are considered recoverable for calculation of deferred taxes. Eligibility of losses for carryforward expires as follows: (XLSX:) Download Tax losses carryforward1 In EUR mn 2022 2021 Base amount (before allowances) thereof not recognized Base amount (before allowances) thereof not recognized 2022 — — 30 30 2023 18 18 18 18 2024 2 2 2 2 2025 11 11 11 11 2026 3 3 3 3 2027 3 3 0 0 After 2027/2026 55 0 0 0 Unlimited 6,666 3,261 5,774 2,573 Tax losses carryforward 6,758 3,298 5,839 2,637 1 Tax losses carryforward related to disposal groups reclassified to held for sale are excluded. The majority of tax losses carryforward not recognized referred to the Austrian Tax Group and France. As of December 31, 2022, the aggregate amount of temporary differences associated with fully consolidated and equity-accounted investments for which deferred tax liabilities have not been recognized amounted to EUR 10,123 mn (2021: EUR 7,475 mn). Capital gains on disposals of investments may be realized on various levels of the Group depending on the structuring of potential divestments. Due to the complexity of the group and the associated tax implications simplifying assumptions for the calculation have been made that aim to diminish cascade effects. 24 – LiabilitiesSupplementary Information on the Financial Position