24 – Liabilities Index141516171819202122232425 (XLSX:) Download Liabilities1 In EUR mn 2022 2021 Short-term Long-term Total Short-term Long-term Total Bonds 1,290 6,030 7,320 795 7,275 8,070 Other interest-bearing debts 128 1,359 1,487 350 1,415 1,765 Lease liabilities 155 1,322 1,476 131 887 1,018 Trade payables 5,259 — 5,259 4,860 — 4,860 Other financial liabilities 2,172 489 2,662 4,367 587 4,955 Other liabilities 1,527 124 1,652 1,440 118 1,558 Liabilities 10,531 9,325 19,856 11,943 10,282 22,225 1 Excluding liabilities associated with assets held for sale, which are described in Note 20 – Assets and Liabilities held for sale. Other interest-bearing debts predominately referred to bank loans, but also included private placements and other funding instruments. Lease liabilities increased mainly due to the new leasing contracts for storage infrastructure related to the propane dehydrogenation plant (PDH) in Kallo, Belgium. For further details on lease contracts please refer to Note 15 – Property, plant and equipment. For further details on cash and non-cash effective changes in bonds, other interest-bearing debts as well as lease liabilities please refer to Note 26 – Statement of cash flows. OMV participates in several supplier finance programs under which its suppliers may elect to receive early payment of their invoice from a bank by factoring their receivable from the Group to the bank. Under the arrangement, the bank agrees to pay amounts to a supplier participating in the program in respect of invoices owed by the Group and receives settlement from OMV later. The principal purpose of those programs is to facilitate efficient payment processing and enable the consenting suppliers to sell their receivables due from OMV to a bank before their maturity. The Group has not derecognized the majority of original liabilities to which the arrangement applies because neither legal release was obtained nor the original liability was substantially modified while entering into the arrangement. Most liabilities remain within trade payables and other financial liabilities until payment. From OMV’s perspective, these arrangements do not significantly extend payment terms beyond the normal terms agreed with other suppliers that are not participating in the programs. Consequently, cash effects are included in the cashflow from operating activities. Bonds (XLSX:) Download International corporate bonds In EUR mn 2022 2021 Nominal Coupon Repayment Carrying amount December 31 Carrying amount December 31 EUR 750,000,000 2.625% fixed 09/27/2022 — 754 EUR 750,000,000 0.00% fixed 06/16/2023 749 747 EUR 500,000,000 0.75% fixed 12/04/2023 500 499 EUR 500,000,000 1.50% fixed 04/09/2024 504 503 EUR 500,000,000 0.00% fixed 07/03/2025 498 497 EUR 300,000,000 1.75% fixed 12/10/2025 315 319 EUR 1,000,000,000 1.00% fixed 12/14/2026 996 994 EUR 750,000,000 3.50% fixed 09/27/2027 752 751 EUR 500,000,000 2.00% fixed 04/09/2028 506 505 EUR 500,000,000 1.875% fixed 12/04/2028 499 499 EUR 750,000,000 0.75% fixed 06/16/2030 748 748 EUR 750,000,000 2.375% fixed 04/09/2032 758 758 EUR 500,000,000 1.00% fixed 07/03/2034 496 496 International corporate bonds 7,320 8,070 Bonds and other interest-bearing debts As at December 31, 2022, OMV Group was in compliance with all financial covenants stipulated by the loan agreements. (XLSX:) Download Bonds and other interest-bearing debts In EUR mn 2022 2021 Short-term loan financing 65 254 Short-term component of long-term financing 1,353 891 Total short-term 1,417 1,145 Maturities of long-term financing 2023/2022 (short-term component of long-term financing) 1,353 891 2024/2023 823 1,277 2025/2024 1,149 822 2026/2025 1,185 1,174 2027/2026 871 1,183 2028/2027 and subsequent years 3,360 4,233 Total for 2023/2022 onwards 8,742 9,581 (XLSX:) Download Breakdown of bonds and other interest-bearing debts In EUR mn 2022 2021 Weighted average interest rate Weighted average interest rate Bonds and other long-term interest-bearing debts1 Fixed rates EUR 8,187 1.34% 8,959 1.45% USD 279 4.24% 312 4.27% Total 8,466 1.44% 9,271 1.54% Variable rates2 EUR 50 3.13% 77 0.77% USD 190 5.04% 194 1.24% Other currencies 36 0.45% 38 0.46% Total 276 4.10% 310 1.02% Other short-term interest-bearing debts EUR 65 0.07% 250 (0.22)% USD — — 4 — Total 65 0.07% 254 (0.22)% 1 Including short-term components of long-term debts 2 Rates as of year-end Other financial liabilities (XLSX:) Download Other financial liabilities In EUR mn Short-term Long-term Total 2022 Derivative financial liabilities 1,263 353 1,615 Liabilities on derivatives designated and effective as hedging instruments 41 4 44 Liabilities on other derivatives 1,222 349 1,571 Other sundry financial liabilities 910 137 1,047 Other financial liabilities 2,172 489 2,662 2021 Derivative financial liabilities 3,607 471 4,079 Liabilities on derivatives designated and effective as hedging instruments 102 — 102 Liabilities on other derivatives 3,506 471 3,977 Other sundry financial liabilities 760 116 876 Other financial liabilities 4,367 587 4,955 The table hereafter summarizes the maturity profile of the Group’s financial liabilities based on contractual undiscounted cash flows: (XLSX:) Download Financial liabilities (undiscounted cash flows) In EUR mn ≤1 year 1 – 5 years >5 years Total 2022 Bonds 1,351 3,394 3,160 7,905 Other interest-bearing debt 141 1,018 393 1,552 Lease liabilities 186 514 1,131 1,831 Trade payables 5,259 — — 5,259 Derivative financial liabilities 1,260 350 — 1,610 Other sundry financial liabilities1 910 100 102 1,111 Financial liabilities (undiscounted cash flows) 9,107 5,375 4,786 19,268 2021 Bonds 870 3,921 3,984 8,775 Other interest bearing debts 373 940 511 1,824 Lease liabilties 155 420 739 1,314 Trade payables 4,860 — — 4,860 Derivative financial liabilities 3,608 471 — 4,079 Other sundry financial liabilities 761 22 151 934 Financial liabilities (undiscounted cash flows) 10,627 5,774 5,385 21,786 1 Includes the book value of the financial guarantee issued by Borealis to Bayport Polymers LLC, allocated to ≤ 1year maturity; for further details on the guarantees as well as the maximum exposure related to it please refer to Note 28 – Risk management. (XLSX:) Download Other liabilities In EUR mn Short-term Long-term Total 2022 Other taxes and social security liabilities 1,040 0 1,040 Payments received in advance 57 14 71 Contract liabilities 148 79 227 Other sundry liabilities 282 32 314 Other liabilities 1,527 124 1,652 2021 Other taxes and social security liabilities 1,027 — 1,027 Payments received in advance 128 16 144 Contract liabilities 129 98 228 Other sundry liabilities 155 4 159 Other liabilities 1,440 118 1,558 The increase in other sundry liabilities was mainly impacted by non-financial liabilities related to oil product exchange contracts concluded between OMV Group and national stockholding companies in Germany and Slovakia. For more details please refer to Note 28 – Risk management. (XLSX:) Download Contract liabilities In EUR mn 2022 2021 January 1 228 214 Currency translation differences (0) 1 Revenue recognized that was included in the contract liability balance at the beginning of the period (126) (80) Increases due to cash received, excluding amounts recognized as revenue during the period 125 95 Other changes — (1) December 31 227 228 The contract liabilities consisted mainly of non-refundable prepayments of storage fees received from Erdöl-Lagergesellschaft m.b.H., Lannach on the basis of long-term service contracts. 23 – Provisions25 – Deferred taxes