Workforce Data Year End Headcount by Region, Gender, as well as Employment and Contract Type1 (XLSX:) Download Austria Rest of Europe Middle East and Africa Rest of the world 12/31/2022 12/31/2021 Employees Total (incl. apprentices) 5,884 14,890 583 951 22,308 22,434 thereof apprentices 113 8 0 0 121 130 Gender Male 4,292 10,893 507 702 16,394 16,486 Female 1,592 3,997 76 249 5,914 5,948 Contract type Permanent 5,443 14,589 582 939 21,553 21,635 thereof male 4,002 10,684 507 700 15,893 15,913 thereof female 1,441 3,905 75 239 5,660 5,722 Temporary2 441 301 1 12 755 799 thereof male 290 209 0 2 501 573 thereof female 151 92 1 10 254 226 Workers who are not employees3 72 104 0 3 179 n.r. thereof male 56 78 0 1 135 n.r. thereof female 16 26 0 2 44 n.r. Employment type Non-guaranteed hours employees 0 0 0 0 0 n.r. thereof male 0 0 0 0 0 n.r. thereof female 0 0 0 0 0 n.r. Full-time4 5,361 14,330 583 936 21,210 21,197 thereof male 4,169 10,520 507 699 15,895 15,929 thereof female 1,192 3,810 76 237 5,315 5,268 Part-time 523 560 0 15 1,098 1,237 thereof male 123 373 0 3 499 557 thereof female 400 187 0 12 599 680 1 DUNATÁR Kft. and SapuraOMV Upstream included in 2022, excluded in 2021 2 A temporary contract of employment is of limited duration and terminated by a specific event, such as the end of a project, the return of replaced personnel, etc. 3 Refers to employees whose work is directly controlled by the OMV Group, such as freelancers and leased personnel. This does not include workers who work at our sites but whose work (e.g., working hours) is not directly controlled by OMV, such as contractors. 4 At OMV Petrom, employees have the option to reduce the daily working hours to raise a child up to the age of two or three years. These employees are reported as full-time. n.r. = not reported Local Employment1 (XLSX:) Download Total headcount (12/31/2022) Thereof local nationality % Total hires (FY 2022) Thereof local nationality % Austria Austria 5,884 4,653 79.08 416 235 56.49 Rest of Europe Belgium 1,375 1,280 93.09 47 38 80.85 Bulgaria 73 72 98.63 11 10 90.91 Croatia 2 2 100.00 0 0 n.a. Czech Republic 48 48 100.00 8 8 100.00 Denmark 1 1 100.00 0 0 n.a. Finland 938 904 96.38 35 28 80.00 France 897 865 96.43 33 31 93.94 Germany 953 852 89.40 50 45 90.00 Hungary 188 176 93.62 37 32 86.49 Italy 108 98 90.74 5 5 100.00 Moldova 47 46 97.87 4 3 75.00 Netherlands 196 167 85.20 4 3 75.00 Norway 65 54 83.08 2 0 0.00 Poland 7 7 100.00 0 0 n.a. Romania 8,486 8,436 99.41 320 306 95.63 Russia 26 26 100.00 0 0 n.a. Serbia 63 63 100.00 13 13 100.00 Slovakia 175 172 98.29 18 17 94.44 Slovenia 68 68 100.00 6 6 100.00 Spain 8 7 87.50 1 1 100.00 Sweden 979 953 97.34 42 40 95.24 Switzerland 81 2 2.47 5 0 0.00 Turkey 49 49 100.00 4 4 100.00 United Kingdom 57 41 71.93 5 5 100.00 Middle East and Africa Libya 29 29 100.00 0 0 n.a. Morocco 2 2 100.00 0 0 n.a. South Africa 1 1 100.00 0 0 n.a. Tunisia 234 234 100.00 12 12 100.00 United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) 21 0 - 2 0 0.00 Yemen 296 295 99.66 0 0 n.a. Rest of the world Argentina 1 1 100.00 0 0 n.a. Australia 3 2 66.67 0 0 n.a. Brazil 118 117 99.15 17 17 100.00 Chile 4 3 75.00 0 0 n.a. China 4 4 100.00 0 0 n.a. Colombia 3 3 100.00 1 1 100.00 Malaysia 241 239 99.17 20 20 100.00 Mexico 2 2 100.00 0 0 n.a. New Zealand 263 203 77.19 18 12 66.67 South Korea 92 67 72.83 0 0 n.a. United States 220 219 99.55 65 65 100.00 1 Employees who are nationals of the country in which they are employed n.a. = not applicable Parental Leave1 (XLSX:) Download 2022 2021 Total employees entitled to parental leave as at December 31 Male 9,906 11,400 Female 3,169 4,480 Total 13,075 15,880 Took parental leave Male 363 280 Female 291 233 Total 654 513 Returned from parental leave Male 336 2873 Female 220 1703 Total 556 4573 Employees whose parental leave ended (2021) and who were still employed 12 months after their return to work Male 289 0 Female 202 0 Total 491 0 Employees with agreement to return after parental leave Male 336 287 Female 223 170 Total 559 457 Retention rate2 Male 92% n.r. Female 80% n.r. Total 86% n.r. Return-to-work rate Male 100% n.r. Female 99% n.r. Total 99% n.r. 1 DUNATÁR Kft. and SapuraOMV Upstream included in 2022, excluded in 2021 2 Excluding Borealis Group 3 Borealis Group only partly included n.r. = not reported Diversity (XLSX:) Download Gender Age Total Total Male Female <30 30–50 >50 12/31/2022 12/31/2021 Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. Abs. OMV Supervisory Board 6 60.00 4 40.00 0 0.00 3 30.00 7 70.00 10 10 OMV Executive Board1 4 100.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 100.00 4 5 Executives2 and advanced level 680 78.43 187 21.57 0 0.00 480 55.36 387 44.64 867 823 Diversity in general3 16,394 73.49 5,914 26.51 1,943 8.71 11,935 53.50 8,430 37.79 22,308 22,434 1 Data is as at December 31, 2022. OMV had five Board members, thereof one female, Elena Skvortsova, for the majority of 2022. Elena Skvortsova left the Board on November 30, 2022. As of the date of publication of this report in April 2023, OMV again has five board members, thereof one female. 2 Executives include OMV Senior Vice Presidents, OMV Petrom Board members, and Borealis Group Board Members 3 DUNATÁR Kft. and SapuraOMV Upstream included in 2022, excluded in 2021 Diversity by Age, Level, and Gender1 (XLSX:) Download 12/31/2022 12/31/2021 <30 30–50 >50 <30 30–50 >50 % % % % % % Board (OMV Executive Board only) Male 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Female 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Total 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Executives (OMV Senior Vice Presidents, OMV Petrom Board members, and Borealis Group Board members) Male 0.00 32.43 67.57 0.00 27.27 72.73 Female 0.00 55.56 44.44 0.00 66.67 33.33 Total 0.00 36.96 63.04 0.00 33.33 66.67 Advanced level Male 0.00 51.48 48.52 0.00 52.43 47.57 Female 0.00 74.16 25.84 0.00 75.30 24.70 Total 0.00 56.39 43.61 0.00 57.27 42.73 Core level Male 0.48 64.28 35.24 0.33 63.83 35.83 Female 0.86 78.42 20.72 1.28 78.69 20.04 Total 0.60 68.80 30.60 0.63 68.50 30.87 Primary level Male 3.97 60.22 35.81 2.61 62.56 34.83 Female 6.28 67.28 26.43 4.95 68.70 26.35 Total 4.87 62.96 32.18 3.52 64.95 31.53 Entry level Male 12.08 49.13 38.78 11.90 47.97 40.13 Female 12.91 45.33 41.76 11.63 48.40 39.98 Total 12.51 47.15 40.34 11.75 48.20 40.05 Technicians Male 8.36 40.86 50.78 6.59 48.31 45.10 Female 6.41 16.86 76.72 5.92 28.93 65.15 Total 8.20 38.87 52.93 6.53 46.70 46.77 Not classified Male 12.29 55.28 32.43 12.95 54.24 32.81 Female 12.54 63.14 24.33 13.82 61.77 24.41 Total 12.35 57.03 30.63 13.14 55.86 31.01 1 DUNATÁR Kft. and SapuraOMV Upstream included in 2022, excluded in 2021 New Hires by Region, Gender, and Age1 (XLSX:) Download Austria Rest of Europe Middle East and Africa Rest of the world 2022 2021 Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Gender Male 265 63.70 404 62.35 11 78.57 89 73.55 769 64.14 706 67.17 Female 151 36.30 244 37.65 3 21.43 32 26.45 430 35.86 345 32.83 Total 416 100.00 648 100.00 14 100.00 121 100.00 1,199 100.00 1,051 100.00 Age <30 115 27.64 166 25.62 2 14.29 18 14.88 301 25.10 342 32.54 30–50 271 65.14 416 64.20 12 85.71 89 73.55 788 65.72 617 58.71 >50 30 7.21 66 10.19 0 0.00 14 11.57 110 9.17 92 8.75 Total 416 100.00 648 100.00 14 100.00 121 100.00 1,199 100.00 1,051 100.00 1 DUNATÁR Kft. and SapuraOMV Upstream included in 2022, excluded in 2021 Ended Contracts by Region, Gender, and Age1 (XLSX:) Download Austria Rest of Europe Middle East and Africa Rest of the world 2022 2021 Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Gender Male 229 65.24 744 66.79 16 84.21 101 79.53 1,090 67.66 3,350 80.55 Female 122 34.76 370 33.21 3 15.79 26 20.47 521 32.34 809 19.45 Total 351 100.00 1,114 100.00 19 100.00 127 100.00 1,611 100.00 4,159 100.00 Age <30 65 18.52 110 9.87 1 5.26 23 18.11 199 12.35 213 5.12 30–50 169 48.15 448 40.22 15 78.95 74 58.27 706 43.85 1,691 40.66 >50 117 33.33 556 49.91 3 15.79 30 23.62 706 43.85 2,255 54.22 Total 351 100.00 1,114 100.00 19 100.00 127 100.00 1,611 100.00 4,159 100.00 1 DUNATÁR Kft. and SapuraOMV Upstream included in 2022, excluded in 2021 Turnover Rate by Region, Gender, and Age1 (XLSX:) Download Austria Rest of Europe Middle East and Africa Rest of the world 2022 2021 Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Abs. % Gender Male 229 5.38 744 6.79 16 3.13 101 14.53 1,090 6.64 3,350 19.25 Female 122 7.84 370 9.17 3 3.89 26 10.70 521 8.81 809 13.18 Total 351 6.04 1,114 7.43 19 3.23 127 13.54 1,611 7.21 4,159 17.67 Age <30 65 8.49 110 11.83 1 14.81 23 38.98 199 11.30 213 10.80 30–50 169 7.68 448 6.15 15 4.77 74 12.61 706 6.80 1,691 12.83 >50 117 4.11 556 8.20 3 1.13 30 10.31 706 6.93 2,255 27.26 Total 351 6.04 1,114 7.43 19 3.23 127 13.55 1,611 7.21 4,159 17.67 1 DUNATÁR Kft. and SapuraOMV Upstream included in 2022, excluded in 2021 Annual Total Compensation Ratio1 (XLSX:) Download 12/31/2022 12/31/2021 Annual total compensation of the highest paid individual vs. median annual compensation for all employees 84:1 n.r. 1 Excluding Borealis Group, DUNATÁR Kft., OMV International Oil & Gas GmbH, and SapuraOMV Upstream n.r. = not reported Ratio of Annual Total Compensation 2022 of Women to Men (XLSX:) Download Austria1 Romania Significant locations of operation are countries with more than 500 employees Headcount12/31/2022 Ratio Headcount12/31/2022 Ratio Executives (OMV Senior Vice Presidents, OMV Petrom Board members, and Borealis Group Board members) 33 1.18:1 5 1.98:1 Advanced level 281 0.99:1 91 0.89:1 Core level 837 0.90:1 656 0.95:1 Primary level 1,208 0.84:1 1,885 0.91:1 Entry level 501 0.80:1 1,759 0.86:1 Technicians 694 0.74:1 4,026 0.96:1 Not classified2 55 1.92:1 n.r. n.r. 1 Excluding Borealis Group 2 Apprentices, doctors, medical assistance, and works council n.r. = not reported Proportion of Senior Management1 Hired from the Local Community in Significant Locations of Operation2 (XLSX:) Download Senior management1 Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Romania Sweden Hired in 2022 6 1 0 0 2 11 0 thereof local nationality 0 1 0 0 2 8 0 % of senior management hired who are of local nationality 0% 100% n.a. n.a. 100% 73% n.a. 1 Senior management = executives (OMV Senior Vice Presidents, OMV Petrom Board members, and Borealis Group Board members) and advanced level (Vice Presidents, general managers, and heads of department) 2 Significant locations of operation are countries with more than 500 employees n.a. = not applicable Average Hours of Training and Education by Position and Gender1, 2 (XLSX:) Download 2022 2021 2020 Board and executives Average training hours for Board and executives3 18 14 11 Advanced level Average training hours for advanced level3 25 15 13 Core level Average training hours for core level3 23 18 15 Primary level Average training hours for primary level3 22 19 15 Entry level Average training hours for entry level3 22 17 11 Technicians Average training hours for technicians3 28 15 11 Grand total Average training hours for all employees 23 18 12 Average training hours for female employees 18 16 12 Average training hours for male employees 24 19 13 Average hours of health, safety, and emergency response training for full-time (direct) employees 9 6 n.r. Total training hours for female employees 105,010 94,514 55,633 Total training hours for male employees 385,265 305,469 161,203 Total training hours for all employees 490,275 399,983 216,837 Money spent on training (EUR) 10,090,097 8,352,725 4,349,217 Number of participants in training 21,622 20,887 16,044 1 Excluding DUNATÁR Kft., SapuraOMV Upstream, and OMV Russia; excluding DYM Solutions, MTM, and Rosier 2 Excluding conferences and training for external employees 3 Excluding Borealis Group, DUNATÁR Kft., SapuraOMV Upstream, and OMV Russia n.r. = not reported Environmental DataOMV AG Data