Health, Safety, Security, and Environment
Health, safety, security, and protection of the environment (HSSE) are core values that constitute an integral part of our commitment to conducting our business in a responsible way. The essence of prioritizing HSSE is expressed in OMV’s HSSE Vision of “ZERO harm – NO losses.” The Vision establishes the dependence of OMV’s long-term business success on our ability to continually improve the quality of our business activities while protecting people, the environment, assets, and our reputation. The integrity of OMV operating facilities, loss prevention, and proactive risk management are essential for achieving OMV’s HSSE Vision.
The Vision is embedded in the HSSE Policy. The full text of the HSSE Policy is available on OMV’s website.
Key Figures
Energy consumption vs. 2018
0.34 LTIR
per mn hours worked